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How to critique a song?


While songs and art can be subjective in nature, there are tried and true ingredients that can raise the level of quality in a song when followed. This list is not meant to be exhaustive but can serve as a helpful guide when used as a template for commercial song form. I purposely left out performance givens like being in pitch, rhythm,  and sonically balanced. In addition, there are many considerations when it comes to production. Finding the right sound and arrangement to showcase your songs can make a big difference BUT… after all, it still starts with the words, melody, and 1 big idea that encapsulates the reason you wrote it! Here are some guidelines to help you…


1. First impressions- does the intro sound interesting, current,  fit a niche, and lead naturally to the             verse? (Within 8 bars or less for radio).                                                                     

2. Does the opening line catch my attention and does it flow logically and draw me into the circumstance     or story?

3. Does the mood fit the words? Is there any imagery to help paint a mental picture?

4. As the song reaches the first chorus,  is it singable, memorable, and does it clearly represent the             main idea of the song?

5. Does the 2nd verse (if applicable) build on the theme or add new relevant information that makes me       want to keep listening?

6. Is the 2nd chorus a natural climax to the verses or verse/pre choruses?

7. Is the chorus consistent  throughout the song? (Difference in dynamics in choruses is ok if it fits the           genre).

8. If there is a bridge section? Does it provide a lift, contrast, or new information that adds to the song?         Is it necessary?

9. Are there musical themes or hooks that help make the song catchy or memorable?

10. Is there a payoff, twist or final push that drives the last chorus and reinforces the 1 big idea of the            song? 

11. Am I compelled to listen to this song again?

12. Will I remember the Title or 1 Big idea when the song is over?


There are always exceptions to "form" in songwriting,  but making your song the clearest representation of words, emotion,  and musical expression is your highest goal… Blessings-

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